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生命科学专题学术讲座 | Jin Jin:The Metabolic Disorder of T Cells Leads to Neurological and Inflammatory Diseases






西湖大学生命科学学院研究员 徐和平





生命科学专题学术讲座 | Jin Jin:The Metabolic Disorder of T Cells Leads to Neurological and Inflammatory Diseases


Time4:00-5:30 PM,Tues.,May 25,2021


Venue: Room 312, 3F, Building 3,  Yunqi Campus

主持人:西湖大学生命科学学院研究员 徐和平 

Host:Dr. Heping Xu, School of Life Sciences


Dr. Jin Jin

Professor, Life Sciences Institute, Zhejiang University

Dr. Jin Jin is a professor and PhD supervisor, He received his B.S. degree in Biology from University of Science and Technology of China in 2000-2004, and his Ph.D. degree in Microbiology from China Agricultural University in 2010. From 2010 to 2015, he worked as a postdoctoral fellow at Andersen Cancer Research Center, USA.Since 2015, he has been working full-time as a professor/researcher in Life Sciences Institute, Zhejiang University. In 2015, Prof. Jin Jin was selected as one of the “National Overseas High-Level Talents Introduction Program” and “Zhejiang Overseas High-Level Talents Introduction Program”. In 2018, he was awarded “Outstanding Youth Fund” by the National Natural Science Foundation of China and “Distinguished Youth Fund” by Zhejiang Province. As a sub-subject leader, He led/participated in two major research projects of the Ministry of Science and Technology, was awarded the “Young Scientist Award” of Chinese Society for Cell Biology in 2020, the “Zhijiang Outstanding Young Scholar” Award of Zhejiang Society for Immunology in 2018, and the “Jinggang Rookie” Award of Chinese Association of Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine in 2018. Over the years, Prof. Jin Jin has participated in the review of major research programs of the NSFC, the international cooperation projects, the excellent youth programs, the general projects and the young top talent projects of the Ministry of Education for many times. Now, he is a member of the American Association of Immunologists, and also serves as a director of the Zhejiang Society of Biophysics, a member of the Animal Immunity Branch of the Zhejiang Society for Immunology, and a standing member of the academic committee of the Laboratory of Animal Virology of Ministry of Agriculture. In his research, Prof. Jin Jin has been engaged in the regulation and function of immune response in the brain-intestinal microenvironment. After returning to China, He has published more than 30 research papers in top international academic journals, including 10 papers in Cell, Nat Immunol, J Clin Invest, J Exp Med (2), Nat Commun, J Autoimmun, Sci Adv, ABBS, CMI and other journals as corresponding author.


Emotional reactions, including fear and stress, are considered normal psychological and physical reactions to positive or negative situations in our lives. However, frequent acute emotional reactions referred to as chronic stress are pathological conditions that increase the risk of depression and anxiety. In this study, we used various animal behavioral assays to evaluate the anxious mood, and found that the lack of CD4+ T cells protects mice from stress-induced anxiety-like behavior. Physical stress-induced leukotriene B4 triggers severe mitochondrial fission in CD4+ T cells, which further leads to a variety of behavioral abnormalities including anxiety, depression and social disorders. IRF-1 was found to be accumulated in CD4+ T cells with fragmented mitochondria. These accumulated IRF-1 in CD4+ T cells was significantly enriched at certain binding sites in the promoters of Ada, Pnp2 and Xdh, which further promotes the de novo synthesis of purine. As a result, most of the purines and their derivatives including adenine, hypoxanthine and xanthine were much times more abundant in anxious mice than in their WT littermates. Metabolomic profiles and single-cell transcriptome reveals that CD4+ T cell-derived xanthine acts on oligodendrocytes in the left amygdala via adenosine receptor A1. Furthermore, the hyperactivity and hyperproliferation of oligodendrocytes caused more c-FOS expression on the neurons, directly promotes anxiety-like behavior. Our results establish peripheral CD4+ T cells as pivotal mediators of stress-induced mood disorders. These results provide insights into the physiological function of adaptive immunity in neurodevelopment and neuropsychiatric disorders.


