
Hanqing Jiang, Ph.D.
Hanqing Jiang, Ph.D.
姜汉卿,1975年生于河北武邑,美国机械工程师协会会士(ASME Fellow),美国机械工程师协会Worcester Reed Warner Medal(2021)、美国科学基金委职业成就奖 (National Science Foundation CAREER Award,2009)获得者。1996年获大连理工大学工学学士学位,2001年获清华大学固体力学博士学位。2001-2006年在美国伊利诺伊大学从事博士后研究,2006年被聘为亚利桑那州立大学助理教授,2011年晋升副教授,2016年晋升为正教授。2021年6月全职加入西湖大学工学院,任机械工程讲席教授。
姜汉卿教授是固体力学领域的国际知名专家。一直以来,从事材料、力学及多场耦合问题的理论和应用研究,在纳米材料、柔性电子、锂电池中的力-电-化学耦合作用、智能折纸、机械超材料、以及食物级别可食用电子等领域均取得了丰硕成果。在国际上率先提出并引领基于折纸-剪纸技术的机械超材料和柔性电子研究;发现并证实锂支晶形核的压应力触发机制,通过软物质实现应力释放解决枝晶问题;提出并成功实现了食品级可食用电子。2021年,美国机械工程协会授予姜汉卿教授Worcester Reed Warner Medal,以表彰其在软基/硬膜研究领域的开创性工作。他先后主持美国科学基金等科研项目30余项,总经费500余万美元;在Science、Science/Nature各子刊、PNAS等国际知名刊物上发表学术论文130余篇,SCI引用逾15,000次,H-index 59;获批美国及其他国家发明专利36项。
姜汉卿教授于2016年当选美国机械工程师协会会士(ASME Fellow),于2022年担任Society of Engineering Science (SES)主席。现任美国机械工程师协会材料分部(Materials Division, ASME)委员会委员(并将于2025年任委员会主席),以及担任多个国际学术期刊编辑和编委,包括Extreme Mechanics Letters、 Research (AAAS/Science Partner Journal)等领域顶刊。
1. Xiaowen Li, Lige Chang, Yajun Cao, Junqiang Lu, Xiaoli Lu, and H. Jiang*, 2023, Physics Supervised Deep Learning-based Optimization (PSDLO) with Accuracy and Efficiency, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2309062120.
2. C. Zhang, Z. Zhang, Y. Peng, Y. Zhang, S. An, Y. Wang, Z. Zhai, Y. Xu*, and H. Jiang*, 2023, Plug & Play Origami Modules with All-Purpose Deformation Modes, Nature Communications, DOI: 10.1038/s41467-023-39980-7.
3. Z. Zhang, Z. Xu, L. Emu, P. Wei, S. Chen, Z. Zhai, L. Kong, Y. Wang, and H. Jiang*, 2023, Active Mechanical Haptics with High-Fidelity Perceptions for Immersive Virtual Reality, Nature Machine Intelligence, DOI: 10.1038/s42256-023-00671-z.
4. Z. Zhang, Y. Long, G. Chen, Q. Wu, H. Wang*, and H. Jiang*, 2023, Soft and Lightweight Fabric Enables Powerful and High-Range Pneumatic Actuation, Science Advances, DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.adg1203.
5. Z. Huang, S. Huang, J. Li, Y. Wang*, and H. Jiang*, 2023, Extracting Conservative Equations from Nonconservative State Data, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, DOI: 10.1016/j.jmps.2022.105127.
6. C. Liang, Z. Yang, and H. Jiang*, 2022, A film-lever actuated switch technology for multifunctional, on-demand, and robust manipulation of liquids, Nature Communications, DOI: 10.1038/s41467-022-32676-4.
7. Z. Huang, C. Li, Z. Huang, Y. Wang*, and H. Jiang*, 2021, AI-Timoshenko: Automatedly Discovering Simplified Governing Equations for Applied Mechanics Problems from Simulated Data, Journal of Applied Mechanics, 88, 101006.
8. Z. Zhai, Y. Wang, K. Lin, L. Wu, H. Jiang*, 2020, In Situ Stiffness Manipulation Using Elegant Curved Origami, Science Advances, 6, doi.org/10.1126/sciadv.abe2000.
9. Z. Huang, Y. Tian, C. Li, G. Lin, L. Wu, Y. Wang*, H. Jiang*, 2020, Data-Driven Automated Discovery of Variational Laws Hidden in Physical Systems, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 137, 103871.
10. X. Wang, Z. Zhai, Y. Chen, and H. Jiang*, 2018, A Robust and Versatile Finite Element Implementation to Study the Time-Dependent Behaviors of Responsive Gels, Extreme Mechanics Letters, 22, 89-97.
11. X. Wang, W. Zeng, L. Hong, W. Xu, H. Yang, H. Duan*, M. Tang*, and H. Jiang*, 2018, Stress-driven lithium dendrite growth mechanism and dendrite mitigation by electroplating on soft substrates, Nature Energy, 3, 227-235.
12. Z. Zhai, Y. Wang, and H. Jiang*, 2018, Origami-inspired, on-demand deployable and collapsible mechanical metamaterials with tunable stiffness, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 115 (9) 2032-2037.
13. W. Xu, H. Yang, W. Zeng, T. Houghton, X. Wang, R. Murthy, H. Kim, Y. Lin, M. Mignolet, H. Duan, H. Yu, M. Slepian, and H. Jiang*, 2017, Food-Based Edible and Nutritive Electronics, Advanced Materials Technologies, 1700181, DOI: 10.1002/admt.201700181
14. Z. Song, X. Wang, C. Lv, Y. An, M. Liang, T. Ma, D. He, Y.-J. Zheng, S.-Q. Huang, H. Yu, and H. Jiang*, 2015, Kirigami-based Stretchable Lithium-Ion Batteries, Scientific Reports, DOI: 10.1038/srep10988.
15. Z. Song, T. Ma, R. Tang, Q. Cheng, X. Wang, D. Krishnaraju, R. Panat, C. K. Chan, H. Yu, and H. Jiang*, 2014, Origami Lithium-ion Batteries, Nature Communications, 5:3140 doi: 10.1038/ncomms4140.
16. C. Lv, D. Krishnaraju, G. Konjevod, H. Yu, and H. Jiang*, 2014, Origami based Mechanical Metamaterials, Scientific Reports, 4:5979 doi: 10.1038/srep05979.
17. C. Yu, X. Li, T. Ma, J. Rong, R. Zhang, J. Shaffer, Y. An, Q. Liu, B. Q. Wei*, and H. Jiang*, 2012, Silicon Thin Films As Anodes For High Performance Lithium Ion Batteries With Effective Stress Relaxation, Advanced Energy Materials, 2, 68-73.
18. C. Yu, C. Masarapu, J. P. Rong, B. Q. Wei*, H. Jiang*, 2009, Stretchable supercapacitors based on Buckled Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube Macro-Films, Advanced Materials, 21, 4793-4797.
19. H. Jiang, D.-Y. Khang, J. Song, Y. Sun, Y. Huang*, and J. A. Rogers*, 2007, Finite Deformation Mechanics in Buckled Thin Films on Compliant Supports, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 104, 15607-15612.
20. D.-Y. Khang, H. Jiang, Y. Huang, and J. A. Rogers*, 2006, A Stretchable Form of Single Crystal Silicon for High-Performance Electronics on Rubber Substrates, Science, 311, 208-212.